Saturday, November 24, 2007


Person 1(p1): " Are you there on orkut? "
Person 2(p2):" No, why, what's that? "
p1: " Facebook? "
p2: " Now what's this? "
p1: " hi5, tagged,..."
p2: " Just stop creating suspense and tell me what are these? "

Have you come across such type of conversations? Certainly not. This can be the conversation between a person belonging to older generation and a person of young generation.
(The older generation people who use orkut and are reading this blog can feel that they are "still young", young at heart.)

So this blog was expected and certainly obvious after whatever went into the previous blog. But would the next blog be about messenger, chatting, flirting,...? I don't know as of now. As and when I feel like, I will certainly write it for you.

I never knew what orkut was till my friend came home and opened an account for me.
(Sid, why did you do it? I was better without it.) (I had received so many invitations from my college friends. One of them was from my friend Omkar Raut. I thought orkut was his website and that he was trying to fool me with some trick this time too. He has this habit of doing something crazy on the internet and he had fooled me on numerous occasions, as a result of which, I became more aware, cautious, fearful of what internet can do. So, I didn't register on orkut for a long time.)

I was talking to Sid recently about what I feel about this site and he told
me that this site was actually created so that friends can be in touch with each other and not to chit-chat and gosisp; chatting was restricted to messenger and that he was irritated by this good morning, afternoon and night plus the sweet dreams, take care, wassup.... business that is followed today on orkut. He added further that about one or two years back no one used to scrap him and that all the scraps he got in his scrapbook were " hi, can we be friends? " type of.

Today, there is an unknown, unorganised, untold and unrewarded competition going on on orkut about the number of scraps one gets in scrapbook, the number of testimonials one has, the percent of hearts, trust, and FANS one has. Oh my GOD, save me !!!
There are many friends like ABC and XYZ (I don't want to mention your names cause I know you would certainly read this.) who want me to write testimonials for them and if I don't do it by this year end, they would be so angry that they would actually make a new year resolution of not talking to me. Also, they want me to become their FAN and make their soul cool down a bit.

I mean what's this? Common, don't I make you feel good? Are you not happy with our friendship? What is this orkut and stuff? Why are you putting conditions? Orkut is just for timepass. Common, just go out and read my birthdate on orkut. It says I am 87years old and that I was born on 1st Jan. Orkut makes no sense to me. Its just for making friends. Just stop fighting over what I wrote about you in the testimonial and that you were not happy with it and want me to write it again. Just stop worrying about my new pics, my new name, whatever I write in the "about me" sections. Its all false. If you read my profile carefully, I had written that I smoke regularly, I have children at home, I drink regularly, and what not....the list is endless....You just don't have to worry about that. Let me write whatever I want. Its my account,right? India got freedom long time back. When will I get my freedom? Freedom from expectations....expectations which can be really as silly as please scrap me, I want to increase my number of scraps to 123 so that I can match it with my friend's. IF YOU THINK OVER IT afterwards, it sounds really silly.

Dear friends,
Kindly forgive me if you feel offended by this blog. But I had to write it. It had to be written; by me or you. Remember one thing which is very important. No one offends you or hurts you intentionally. It just happens that the other person doesn't know or overlooks the possibility of you getting hurt; and incase if he knows that you would get so much hurt, he would not do that thing in the first place itself. Whenever you are hurt by someone just think over this. No one wants to hurt you by anything, its you who are hurt by your own perception, nature, thinking, psychology,....whatever you call it. Its all in the mind. THINK OVER IT. Else, you can guess what is in the blogs that will follow.


  1. MIHIR says : write to express not to impress
    ORKUT says : write to impress not to express


    MAJNU says : agar laila ko karna hai impress to khao mito fresh
    ORKUT says : agar laila ko karna hai impress toh write a testimonial

    he he

    kaaa bitwaa baat gayi khopdia mein,.,.,

  2. This was what I found (THE CRAZE OF ORKUTING) in someones profile(i really dont know that person)while stupidly roaming in this CHIRKUT(Orkut)world ......
    JUST IMAGINE CELINE DION singing it 4 u...
    "Every time in my orkut
    I see you. I scrap you.
    That is how I know you
    go on...

    Far across the Scrap Book
    And testimonials between us
    You have come to show you. Go on..

    Near, far, wherever you are
    I believe that the friends list does go on
    Once more you open accoun
    And you're here in my scrap book
    And my scrap book will go on and on

    Testimonials can touch us one time
    And last for a lifetime
    And never let go till we're friends

    Love was when I saw your friends list
    One true time I held on her 'about me',
    In my life I'll surely view her/his profile(ALBUM)

    Near, far, wherever you are
    I believe that my FANS list go on
    There is some amazing profile that will not
    go away

    You're here, there's so much to fear!!!!!!,
    And I know that my friend will know I checked her profile

    We'll stay forever this way
    You are safe in my friends list
    And my friends list will go on and on"



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